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Take Back Your Time: Delegate Tedious Tasks to DocuXplorer

Reduce your filing and data entry time by 50 to 70 percent with DocuXplorer's tools.

April 28, 2023

Three women sit with laptops at a table. They are laughing and having a drink.

Tame a bit of inbox madness with help from DocuXplorer. Our Email Assistant monitors your inbox for important files, like incoming invoices or purchase orders. When they arrive, DocuXplorer files them automatically in your chosen folder. Reduce tedious filing and data entry, cut down on errors, and never miss a processing deadline.

While Email Assistant gets your filing right, AI Capture takes automation one step further by extracting the information that’s most important to you. 

Let’s look at a simple example. Invoice formatting varies from company to company, but you always need the same important information: cost, payment deadline, and company name. Company A places the amount owing on the upper left-hand side of their invoices while Company B has it on the lower right-hand side. Until now, you’d need someone to open each invoice, find the relevant information, and enter it manually in a tracking spreadsheet. 

Side by side comparison of two different invoices and how DocuXplorer captures information from various areas of the page.

With AI Capture, you take one invoice from each company, and tell DocuXplorer which information you want to track. You only need to do this once and it takes less than 10 seconds. It can even read handwriting for relevant information. AI Capture finds, extracts, and files future invoices from that company automatically. You always have the chance to double check the information and AI Capture learns from corrections and improves over time.

Automating workflows adds another level of efficiency to your work. Most companies require various managers to approve expenditures—sometimes different managers depending on the amount. That means someone (maybe you?) has to open all the invoices, check the amount, and notify the right people that it’s time for approval. Or, a DocuXplorer workflow can do all of this automatically. Just talk to our specialists and we’ll build a custom workflow.

sample of automated workflow for invoice approval and processing

Let’s look at that invoice again. The moment it hits your inbox, Email Assistant pulls it and files it in the designated folder. Workflow sends out notifications for approvals and AI Capture extracts the important information. You’re done, without lifting a finger. 

You’ve gone from this:

  • Search email for invoice
  • Download it and file it in the correct directory
  • Notify the correct people for approval
  • Open it, along with every other invoice in that folder, one at a time
  • Manually enter the amount, due date, and company
  • Now you have clean, accurate data ready for analysis!

To this:

  • Nothing. You literally do nothing. 
  • The correct people are already approving the invoice
  • Now you have clean, accurate data ready for analysis!

You’ve reduced filing and data entry time by 50 to 70 percent (that’s what our clients tell us!), while increasing accuracy. You’ve also moved the right information to the right people so it can be processed quickly. Talk to us about setting up Email Assistant and AI Capture, and take back your time.